Rest Restore Regroup

As we move into January, our natural rhythms remain in the state of wintering.  The socializing and consumption that comes with the holiday season taxes our systems, as it is out of alignment with the resting and repose of winter.  Then capitalism, and the Gregorian calendar (which, by the way, was implemented by a Catholic pope to change the date of Easter - this has NOTHING to do with adhering to the earth’s natural rhythms!) create an unnatural urgency to move forward based on an arbitrary date.

Stay the course.

We are connected to the earth by the mycelial network, and right now, the earth is still. There is no urgency here, no brusque disposal of all you accomplished in the last 9-10 months, no pushing yourself forward and using excess stores to move in a way that is not aligned with the organic rhythm. There will be time for that soon.  Right now, the rest you can receive in the slowing down is just as vital as the movement forward will be later.

Stay the course.

I am intentionally moving at the pace of winter, and will continue to do so until mid to late March, where things will open up and expand with the Spring Equinox.  For now, my ideas, thoughts, and plans are formulating until I have the energy of rhythm behind them.

It became clear during 2023 that new session themes wanted to come forward. I’m excited to announce that I will be offering monthly 4-week group clearing workshops focusing on the topics of money and health.

In the spirit of the pace of winter,
I will begin the first series in March.

Money Clearing Group
We will be working to clear lineage related and current barriers around your relationship with money, and creating space to have a more expansive, bountiful, and connected relationship with money. We will also create individual clearing and healing intentions for each participant.

Health Clearing Group
Each month, I will offer a different workshop for a specific health condition. We will clear lineage related and current throughlines for each group, create a group intention for healing, and create individual healing intentions for focused healing for each participant. We will be working with Crohns, IBS, Long Covid, Auto-immune disorders, CFS, Fibromyalgia, and POTS/Ehler Danos Syndrome.

More information to come including dates and times. If you are interested, please email us and we will add you to our waiting list.


Long COVID Health Group


Hello and Happy Solstice!