Long COVID Health Group
One of the components of the upcoming Health Clearing group is the integration of Somatic Experiencing as part of the clearing and healing work.
There have been several recent studies about Long Covid, and particularly the increased probability of people who have suffered early childhood, trauma or developmental trauma, being more susceptible to Long Covid.
This statistic is from an article in Nature Magazine, a well-respected medical journal:
At least 56% of post-acute COVID survivors tested positive for one of the following:
· depression
· anxiety disorders
· insomnia
· obsessive-compulsive disorder
With Covid, there is a dorsal vagal shutdown – the body response is similar to that of a freeze response in a traumatic instance.
With developmental trauma, or early childhood trauma, which can result in PTSD, the body response can be the same – freeze, fight, flight, or all three responses at the same time.
People that suffer from PTSD also tend to have a higher level of inflammation, exacerbating symptoms of chronic illness.
SE has been instrumental in guiding people safely out of a freeze response and into presence in their body. This allows for release of bound energy in the body related to the freeze state, and increased capacity for the nervous system to tolerate a wider range of experience.
In the Health Clearing group sessions, we’ll be using SE work in a number of ways to release the bound energy in the body. This can create:
· more capacity to reset and regulate your nervous system
· a boost in your immune system function
· reduction of symptoms and anxiety around symptoms
The combination of SE and clearing and healing work is potent. It will activate recovery physically, somatically, and energetically.
We start March 2nd!
Please join us. Sign up here: https://thirteenrings.as.me/health