Hello and Happy Solstice!

In keeping with the natural and organic rhythm of "wintering”, I tend to slow down and turn inward as we head towards the end of the calendar year.

I like to take the last weeks of December and the first few weeks of January to rest, regroup, and let new ideas germinate with me, to be watered and nurtured as we head into the spring in a few months.

I know it can be difficult, as the holidays are notoriously busy and filled with shopping, family, friends, and food, but I would encourage you to take a pause, and a breath, and let yourself rest. I promise this rest will fortify you to emerge into the new year.

As I look forward towards next year, I have some group clearing and healing work that feels solid and grounded and has some depth to it. The family clearing group sessions I've held this year, in addition to some others, have been profoundly impactful for those that participated. Work around relationships, consumption, money, family, and physical healing for specific conditions is part of the plan for 2024. I'm anticipating being able to share more with you in the coming weeks.

Lastly, my session booking for January is currently open. If you are moved to work with me, please book as soon as you're able.  The slots fill up quickly!

Wishing you big and small moments of joy throughout the coming year.

Love - 



Rest Restore Regroup


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